Un presepe tra gli olivi della Riviera Ligure
Un presepe tra gli olivi della Liguria occidentale. Un presepe d’autore che rallegra in vista del Natale e del Capodanno, fino all’Epifania. Un presepe…DOP. Già, perché l’autore, Marco Rambaldi è figlio del nostro consorziato Bruno “Brunello” Rambaldi. Il quale ci accoglie tra i suoi alberi e quelli dei vicini. Siamo alla Pacialla, regione storica di […]
Pruning the olive grove: why olive tree have to be pruned After fertilization, olive trees need to be pruned. Olive tree bears fruit on branches that are two years old. New fruit branches always grow on the part closest to the trunk: new fruit branches always grow on the part closest to the trunk. A […]
We want our olive trees to bear fruit in the next production year. For this, the plants must be fertilized. This must be done in late winter or early spring at the latest. If there is sufficient rain, this will give the fertilizer time to be assimilated. It may also necessary to fertilize the leaves […]
The start
A small olive farm consisting of 137 Taggiasca trees on terraces in the Imperia hinterland, a designation that guarantees the Ligurian origin and quality of the extra-virgin olive oil placed on the market. Two organizations have joined forces in an initiative of the DOP Riviera Ligure Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Protection Consortium that intends to […]