Address: Via Torino 156 18027 Pontedassio (IM)
Phone: 0183/7981
Fax: 0183/279719
Email: info@isnardi.it
Website: http://www.pietroisnardi.it
A young soul and important historical roots. The azienda masters the art of olive oil from the very start of the production process and the spirit of the places. The fourth generation of the Isnardi family aims at being a landmark of Ligurian agricultural and food excellence. The journey began with Pietro Isnardi, an enterprising young man, who deeply loved his hometown, Oneglia: he knew everybody, every corner, every business and every olive grove. After learning everything about that little, big world of oil production and trade, in 1908 he created a company under his own name. Pietro was one of the first to invest in the trading of Ligurian oil by mail orders, as well as to understand the benefits of oil for both palate and health. The concept of “medicinal” olive oil was born, a project that in the 1940s led to the creation of a pharmaceutical division of the company. The Isnardi also innovated in other fields: suppliers to the Royal House of Italy since 1916. French-style réclame entrusted to the great graphic artists of the first half of the 20th century (a signature style code which is appreciated even today). Good is beautiful with an eye to contemporary design, boosting Isnardi’s production at a national level, also through iconic and successful campaigns on TV, the new media must.
At the end of the twentieth century, Pietro Isnardi, son of Carlo and grandson of the founder, focused on food, improving the company’s commitment on the territory. The energy of the immediate entroterra -Pontedassio, heart of western Liguria -throbs in the infinite views of olive tree-clad hills, activities reorganized around the oil mill. The legacy of historic Ligurian brands such as Ardoino and Guasco is alive and kicking (modern EVO tasting techniques are linked to the Ardoino). Quality is expressed by a wide range of productions, including PDO Riviera Ligure-Riviera dei Fiori EVO. Nowadays the company is led by Carlo Isnardi – fourth generation, respect for the past and investment in technologies – supported by an innovative work group – its members ranging from production to sales and communication.