Address: Via Roma 2 18020 Lucinasco (IM)
Phone: 0183/52441
Mobile: 339/7496390
Fax: 0183/52811
Email: info@dinoabbo.it
Website: http://www.dinoabbo.it
The millenary village of Lucinasco has been mainly dedicated to olive growing for six hundred years. The steep, terraced hill, clad with sunny olive groves, is towered by the remains of a medieval castle, the settlement strategically nestled at its feet. The Dinoabbo azienda boasts 9,500 olive trees, mostly in the territory of Lucinasco, which held a special place in Dino Abbo’s heart. The same applies to Gianni, Dino’s son, who runs the business. Dino Abbo is a benchmark in Ligurian olive farming. Those who knew him remember him entering and leaving the historic oil mill located by the last curve of Lucinasco. He was a pioneer and an innovator in an age when – more than 40 years ago – Ligurian olive growing was experiencing a serious crisis, due to the depopulation of rural areas, the abandonment of the countryside, a focus on quantity rather than quality. Dino worked hard in his search for quality, with an eye to markets keen on genuine, artisanal oil. Lucinasco turned into an ante litteram development hub, especially as regards cultivation, through rudimental technology, the same which is still used today in the difficult Ligurian territory. Lucinasco’s olive days still a point of reference. Tradition meets Innovation, of course. The mill by the curve is always there, alive in time, like the love for the family lands. If you ask Gianni Abbo, he will tell you about his “heart olive trees” in the Case Sottane region, in the Molini valley and at the Villa. Places that hint at the noble presence of Man, who built, managed mills before oil mills, created settlements in fertile areas, and then below the castle. The Taggiasca cultivar rules 100%, the queen of the PDO Riviera Ligure-Riviera dei Fiori sub-zone