Address: Via Baiucca 5 16038 Santa Margherita Ligure (GE)
Phone: 0185/281740
Mobile: 335/7073127
Email: adriano.casazza@gmail.com
It was with great enthusiasm that I took back possession of my precious land, with the objective of requalifying abandoned terrain and increasing the value of our hillside. Farming began in the last century, as evidenced in a painting I own entitled ‘Mostra Zootecnica (7 August 1908, Cattedra Ambulante d’Agricoltura for the Chiavari area, 2nd place Luigi Casazza); by the presence in the cellar of a still-functional wooden olive press dating from the end of the 18th century; by various wooden containers known as quarte; and by various jugs.
The oil produced from my olive groves located in Monte di Portofino, today Parco di Portofino, was almost completely marketed in the trattorias of Portofino and San Fruttuoso di Camogli thanks to the pedestrian pathways connecting the towns.
All this made it possible for me to produce Riviera Ligure bearing the geographic name Riviera di Levante PDO extra virgin olive oil as well as reintroduce the farming of local ancestral vegetables according to the Antichi Ortaggi del Tigullio guidelines.