The DOP Riviera Ligure Extra-virgin Olive Oil Protection Consortium is becoming a farmer.
The result of the commitment to the care of its “Riviera Ligure olive grove” is this oil, which we offer you to taste. Extra virgin olive oil with the Riviera dei Fiori indication.
It comes from a smallholding of 4,184 m2 with 147 trees of the Taggiasca cultivar in the hills of Lucinasco, a small village in the inland area of Imperia with 280 inhabitants and almost all its land dedicated to olive growing.
The area has been included in the DOP Riviera Ligure oil control system. The protection consortium has followed suit, like the companies that have decided to subject themselves to inspections in the field and of the documentation and to subject their oil to the chemicophysical and sensory tests.
The purpose is to give the consumer an absolute guarantee of the product, its origin and its quality.
On 20th November, we harvested 3,077.50 kg of olives, which were milled immediately, producing 672.49 litres of oil.
The certification body made its checks on the documentation and took a sample of the traced oil, which was subjected to chemicophysical and sensory tests.
With suitability certificate no. 42/2015 of 23/12/2015, we then proceeded to package the oil and apply the label and yellow guarantee collars to the 0.500 l and 0.250 l bottles.
Consequently, we know exactly where this oil was produced, and the path it has followed from the tree to your table. And now we’ll tell you what it’s like.
The sensory test gave the following median results – fruitiness 4.9, – bitterness 1.9, – sharpness 2.0, – sweetness 5.3, while the chemicophysical tests revealed an acidity of 0.2 and a peroxide number of 4.9. It conforms fully to the criteria laid down by the DOP Riviera Ligure oil regulations. Intrinsically, an excellent oil.
It has a clear fruity taste, which matures in time. It confirms its sweetness, a distinguishing feature of the DOP Riviera Ligure olive, with a sharp, pleasant and persistent flavour. A specific feature of the year is an emerging hint of bitterness, which gives the oil a symptomatic complexity, thus making it even more versatile in the kitchen. Finally, we point out the slight aromatic herb flavour, peculiar to a sunny location with an excellent balance of land, sky and the Mediterranean sea.
If you want to know more about the operations that we have performed in the olive grove to produce this DOP Riviera Ligure-Riviera dei Fiori extravirgin oil, visit the Riviera Ligure olive grove section of the consortium’s site at www.oliorivieraligure.it
You will find out about the operations performed in the olive grove and the costs borne to produce this oil: from fertilization to pruning, from the control of weeds to defence against the olive fly, from the recording of all operations for the traceability of the product to the sensory and chemicophysical tests. We have rebuilt the dry stone walls that support the terraces and we still have plenty of ideas and, above all, plenty of enthusiasm as we, too, are committed to safeguarding the area. Identity and passion.