After a year marked by water shortage – though the indications of higher precipitations were confirmed in spring – interventions in the olive grove of the Riviera Ligure aimed at nourishing and sustaining plants.
Fertilization is pivotal at this stage. Timasprint/Timagreen was used in this case: a special granular organic mineral fertilizer with a correct balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements fir to meet all the needs of the plant. The objective of this intervention is to supply the plant with the fertilizing units it needs to reach production in the best condition, expressing its full production potential each year, reducing alternation of production to a minimum. It is in fact important to fill in the gap between low and high yield years, rationalising interventions. The fertilizer used in this case featured a composition of high organic origin. That also implies components derived from algae, which improve the exchange of mineral elements and their absorption through roots. After all, in Liguria olive groves located close to the sea were once fertilized with a biomass obtained from the drying of posidonia.
Granular fertilizers display a membrane that prevents the evaporation and leaching of nourishing elements, which effectively penetrate into the soil.
TOP-PHOS phosphorous, the new patented monocalcium phosphate molecule, guarantees the availability of soluble phosphorous even for the deepest layers of the rhizosphere (the region of soil that surrounds the roots of the plant), thus enabling the complete renewal of the root system. The optimal dose is 4 kilograms per plant: however, in the olive grove of the Riviera Ligure the not excessive dimension of the trees was taken into account. It should be noted that distribution of fertilizer is to be carried out not close to the trunk and around and under the perimeter of the canopy of the tree, i.e. the area where roots spread. Nourishing of leaves is ongoing, 2 interventions with Fertiactyl Radical – pre-blossoming and with 30-40% complete blossoming (5 l/ha dose). The aim of the treatment is to foster fruit setting.