What happens when the Italian PDO economy meets the food crafts industry? The Qualivita Foundation tries to answer this question through an in-depth study regarding the members of the processing sector using PDO and PGI ingredients. 68% of active Protection Consortia have granted permission for the use of GIs as ingredients. A total of 13,000 permissions have been granted through time by Consortia and the Mipaaf: 4,600 were active in 2020 and regarded 1,600 businesses of the processing industry. PDOs and PGIs are mainly used in condiments (42% of GIs) and primi piatti (41%), salumi (33%) and desserts (31%), followed by cheese and gelati (25%), jams, pizze and drinks (23%). A total € 260-million production value of PDOs and PGIs used in the processing industry has been estimated, accounting for more than € 1 billion for the food industry
This trend is evident in Liguria, too, thanks to PDO Riviera Ligure EVO, as witnessed by three success stories.
Chiavari. The azienda “Barbieri Piero & C. snc” produces its Crema Nocciole Gold and Crema spalmabile (based on “Misto Chiavari” hazelnuts) using PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera di Levante EVO
The Levante also boasts the Cooperativa Agricola Rurale Isola di Borgonovo, which produces Pesto alla Genovese made with PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera di Levante EVO, sold abroad through a dedicated e-commerce platform.
The Ponente features the FRATELLI CARLI S.p.A., whose Linea Mediterranea includes Body antiaging oil with borage and PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera dei Fiori EVO; Hydrating bath oil with lavender, PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera dei Fiori EVO- Soothing oil with hypericum, marigold, helichrysum, chamomile, PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera dei Fiori EVO; body toning massage oil with lavender, rosemary, PDO Riviera Ligure Riviera dei Fiori EVO.
Italy boasts the international primate as regards PDO and PGI food and wine products, a stunning number of 840 certified quality supply chains – i.e., 180,000 players throughout the country and a production approaching € 17 billion value. This pivot of national economy is flanked by the food crafts industry, more than 81,600 businesses (and a € 145 billion turnover). The synergy between the two sectors has been tightening up recently: an opportunity for growth addressing a multitude of local quality stakeholders.
“The research highlights the potential of PDOs and PGIs in improving the market value of our food industry and Horeca sector as well, while promoting the appeal of national agriculture and Made in Italy”, declared Mauro Rosati, Qualivita managing director. “It also states that we have to build more structured synergies between the two sectors to improve the effectiveness of supply chains, providing consumers and businesses with further guarantees in order to exploit all opportunities to support quality”. New opportunities lie ahead for Consortia: apart for the coordination of main activities – safeguard, promotion and food tourism – the time has come to reflect on the developments regarding the processing industry. Targeted marketing initiatives carried out by Consortia could open up vast development scenarios.