TerrAgir3, a European project funded by the Italy-France Maritime Programme, showcases its outputs and aims at the creation of links between Liguria and USA (Washington DC) and Australia (Sydney). The expression of interest launched by Regione Liguria Region has already been joined by international leading tour operators: their objective is to market certified “Green & Blue” experiences designed to promote authenticity, terroir, agriturismi, educational farms and ittiturismi. The open EoI targets tourism operators and agencies, with a view to foster post Covid recovery and all-year-round seasonality.
Participation in the EoI is free of charges and voluntary, and provides tour operators with exclusive access to a digital handbook (in Italian, French and English) which showcases a selection of experiences to be included in online packages. The first feedbacks from IMARK Holdings (Washington DC) and Ormina Tours (North Sydney) show the international appeal of our region, a “Best of Italy” featuring 5,416 square kilometres of art, culture, history, landscapes, food and wine, crafts, traditions narrated by the very voice and gestures of farmers.
“Regione Liguria has been working for over two years – explains Vice President and Regional Councillor for Agriculture, Marketing and Territorial Promotion Alessandro Piana – on the creation of a network of companies – selected and certified for the high quality of their proposals – committed to authentic Liguria storytelling. Liguria goes digital to meet the expectations of visitors… We will promote the farms and their experiences on social networks, institutional websites and through the ‘LaMiaLiguria’ app, as well as through direct contact with bloggers, influencers, Italian and foreign tour operators”.
TerrAgir3 is a project realized by Regione Liguria, in partnership with the PDO Riviera Ligure EVO Protection Consortium, and in collaboration with Liguria International, Liguria Digitale and the Ligurian Chambers of Commerce System (Unioncamere, Chambers of Commerce of Genoa and the Rivieras, Aziende Speciali of the Chambers of Commerce).
“This European project further enhances our quality products by linking them to the treasures of the region – says Carlo Siffredi, president of the PDO Riviera Ligure Extra Virgin Olive Oil Consortium -. We must increasingly promote them abroad and attract tourists to enjoy them in Liguria thanks to experiential tourism initiatives. Thus, we connect quality products and their territory, foster a close relationship between producers and consumers, create economic value for our businesses and environmental sustainability for communities”.
Effects on the territory include the implementation of interactive totems to discover Liguria, at present in the loggiato of Palazzo Ducale in Genoa and in the Iat (tourist information point) in Alassio, soon also in Imperia and La Spezia. Browsing allows to get to know the Ligurian businesses currently involved in TerrAgir3: nearly fifty, with a total of more than 150 experiences.
The partners of the TerrAgir3 project are: the Province of Nuoro (leader), Regione Liguria, Regione Toscana, ODARC (Office of Agricultural and Rural Development of Corsica), PDO Riviera Ligure EVO Protection Consortium, the Cannonau Wine Route, The Federation of Wine, Oil and Flavours Routes of Tuscany, Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Corse- CIV.
Further information: http://www.terragir.it/