The 2019 edition of Rolli Days (4th – 5th May) hosted Olive oil: the Mediterranean gold. Culture, tourism, experience”, an event designed by Ligucibario® in the grand spaces of Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino in Genoa.
PDO Riviera Ligure EVO played the lead role in this celebration which unites the Palazzi dei Rolli (feat. in UNESCO World Heritage since 2006), the Mediterranean Diet (feat. in UNESCO World Heritage since 2010) and the Art of dry stone walling (feat. in UNESCO World Heritage since 2019).
Food historian Umberto Curti led the event – conference and guided tasting of the 3 subareas of PDO Riviera Ligure EVO, i.e. Riviera dei Fiori, Riviera del Ponente Savonese and Riviera di Levante – underlining the importance of oil as condiment, food and neutraceutical, as well as its role as a protagonist of innovative tourism experiences centred on sustainability and culture.
The event was organized by the Assessorato al Turismo, Commercio e Artigianato of the Municipality of Genoa in collaboration with Ligucibario®, the PDO Olio Riviera Ligure Protection Consortium and with the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa.