From October 14th to the 17th the Fiera di Genova hosts “RistorExpo”, held under the auspices of Regione Liguria, Camera di Commercio di Genova, Comune di Genova, Confcommercio, FIPE-Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi, FIC-Federazione Italiana Cuochi. The event, dedicated to the Horeca professionals, is completed by a varied calendar of cooking shows, master classes, speeches etc. “RistorExpo” focuses on the central role of the territory, as witnessed by the presence of several Ligurian chefs and by the attention to regional products and recipes. PDO Riviera Ligure Olive Oil Consortium once more joins forces with regional CDO wines and PDO Genoese Basil through the collaboration among the 2 Protection Consortia and the Enoteca Regionale. On October 14th– 16th (12 to 14) mortar pest lessons, guided PDO Riviera Ligure Olive Oil tastings and sommelier’s lectures will thus take place – an authentic best of Liguria experience.