Riviera Ligure DOP extra virgin olive oil is a part of two significant initiatives: one in the heart of Europe, the other on the East Coast of the United States. Thanks to the hard work and commitment of Liguria’s regional tourism commission and to the “In Liguria” promotional agency, Riviera Ligure DOP oil is present at International Media Marketplace, the auxiliary event to the International Tourism Exchange in Berlin (ITB), which is scheduled to take place from 8-12 March. The Liguria region has been active since 7 March, as part of the “I love Italia” initiative, with the direct participation of the regional councillor for tourism, Giovanni Berrino. “I love Italia” is an exhibition which represents Italy’s high quality products. The presence of Riviera Ligure DOP oil is within the context of a concerted effort by Unioncamere Liguria to organize a series of targeted tastings. The initiative is part of an innovative series of speed dates, or rather quick introductory and experiential meetings involving journalists, bloggers, and industry operators in the tourism and culinary fields, an important sector considering that those who love Riviera Ligure oil also have a passion for active travel involving exploration, athletic activities, and wellness. In addition to other engaging activities, Riviera Ligure DOP oil will be part of the pesto-making demonstration, the wine tastings, and the cooking shows organised by the chefs of Liguria Gourmet a brand managed by Liguria’s agricultural sector. Here too the audience will be made up of special and carefully selected individuals.
Also in March, thanks to the collaboration with AICIG, the Association of Consortiums for the safeguard of the most important Italian DOP and IGP products, Riviera Ligure DOP oil will travel across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States for a masterclass organised by the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Assocamere. The list of Italian DOP and IGP products is lengthy and includes some of the most well-known Made in Italy agricultural products. The masterclasses will take place on 22 and 23 March at the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont. Vermont is one of the oldest states in America and is the northern fulcrum of a coast that is always at the forefront in terms of European relations. The experience is open to professional chefs, young chefs, and influencer marketers. These last are key figures not only in America but worldwide, considering their involvement in social media. The general expansion and development of American culinary culture must also be noted, a culture which now includes many important figures and an element of fusion that is open to cultural influences. And in this particular instance Italy is the star.