The Italian embassy in Brussels, on 5 February, will be the scene of an event linked to the project of valorisation and promotion of Italian agro-food products, holders of DOP, PGI or DOC, recognition for wines. These include DOP Riviera Ligure extra-virgin olive oil. The meeting is a milestone in a highly articulated path called The extraordinary italian taste that brings the excellence of the Made in Italy agro-food in eight European countries, including Switzerland and the United Kingdom, but also Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Spain. The organization belongs to the Ministry of Economic Development with the collaboration of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, abroad of the member countries and Assocamerestero. In particular, the Brussels evening starts at 6.30 pm with the greetings of Elena Basile, Italian ambassador in Belgium and Fabio Morvilli, president of the Belgium-Italian Chamber of Commerce. This will be followed by an interesting introduction to the products by Carlo de Pascale, a well-known food and wine journalist in Belgium for his broadcasts on french Belgian radio, for his publications and for his updated philosophical-culinary online blog with many restaurant reviews. Afterwards, thanks to the information received, there will be a guided tasting of DOP and PGI certified products and a beautiful apotheosis of taste is expected, concluded by a reception with dishes prepared by the Federation of Italian Chefs in Belgium. A nice evening, certainly.