PDO Genoese Basil, PDO Riviera Ligure Evo and PDO and PGI Ligurian wines promoted by the Enoteca Regionale once more joined forces on August 28th-29th in Diano Castello (IM) on occasion of the “Premio Vermentino 2020” through the “Assaggia la Liguria” promotional programme.
On Saturday 29th the Teatro Concordia hosted the “Assaggia la Liguria show”, which included a mortar pesto demo and tastings of PDO Riviera Ligure EVO and PDO and PGI Ligurian wines.
The event (as well as the stand, a provider of opportunities to enjoy sensory, cultural, pleasant journeys centred on the relationship between food and man in the PDOs territory) was designed to communicate how certifications of origin are relevant not only in the wine sector, but also as regards the agri-food excellences of Liguria (Riviera Ligure EVO and Genoese Basil). Furthermore, it highlighted the strong identity value of these “symbols” in terms of culture, economy and environmental protection, not to forget about clear food communication.
On the same day, the PDO Genoese Basil and PDO Riviera Ligure EVO Protection Consortia released the video sequel of the “The Basil journey” commercial. Andrea Di Marco acts as the herald of the Ligurian spirit in a gloomy London atmosphere, committed to attracting foreigners to our region and our flavours
The final output (watch the trailer on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGTuKOmaWQE&feature=youtu.be) is a “dive” from London into the Ligurian Sea. PDO EVO and basil prove once more effective ambassadors of Liguria all over the world.
The video is part of a promotional campaign realized by the two Ligurian DOPs and funded by MIPAAF (i.e. Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies).
“Assaggia la Liguria” is the title of the communication programme jointly organized by the Protection Consortia of PDO Genoese Basil and PDO Riviera Ligure EVO, together with the Enoteca Regionale della Liguria: carried out with the support of Regione Liguria and UE EAFRD – RDP 2014/20, it offers consumers and professionals information on the history of these products and on the values of PDOs all along the production chain, offering the pleasure of inimitable food.