Genoa, 9th-10th December. The Palazzo della Borsa Valori (former seat of the city’s Stock Exchange) hosted a showcase event on Ligurian crafts and enogasrronony excellences. Organized by Regione Liguria and the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa with Confartigianato, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Confindustria and CNA, it was animated by 50 businesses which acted as the storytellers of traditional products and trades, from goldsmiths to bakers. An opportunity for tourists (and locals) to learn, experience and plan a vist to the production areas of “the best of Liguria”.
“We developed a concept of “excellence” which takes in ancient trades and traditions, from food&wine to crafts and retail – said Andrea Benveduti, assessore regionale allo sviluppo economico of Regione Liguria – the event was designed to improve the distribution channels of our products towards the large-scale retail industry, too. The retail and crafts sectors aresuffering through the crisis of demand and liquidity. Central government bodies ought to join our efforts in order to create a positive entrepreneurial ecosystem “.
“This is the first we showcase the best of Ligurian retail and crafts in the very heart of Genoa – underlines Maurizio Caviglia, segretario generale of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa – in order to provide residents and guests with an exhaustive overview of the outstanding regional offers. To achieve this goal, we planned a dense calendar of workshops and seminars”.
On December 9th the opening of the event was followed by a session on Ligurian sparkling wines and by seminars dedicated to restoration, jewellery and hairdressing, plus a book presentation. In the meanwhile, 25 stands celebrated the different facets of craftanship.
Tuesday 10th lit the spotlight on Ligurian enogastronomy. Workshops and demos dealt with pesto genovese, panera, pandolce genovese, passito, PDO Riviera Ligure EVO and Christmas Cocktails by Genova Gourmet. 30 stands celebrated regional food & wine.
On Wednesday 11th “the best of Liguria” lived its B2B section, animated by 10 buyers from the international large-scale retail sector, both EU and extra EU (USA, Australia, Spain, Russia, Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Israel, Morocco, Romania, Singapore, The Netherlands, Gulf Countries and Macedonia) who met Ligurian food & wine businesses. The B2B even belongs to the “InBuyerfood Genova” programme by Promos Italia, the internationalisation agency of the Chambers of Commerce.